Look through the blogosphere and you'll notice that while a lot of people write about Africa, rare is the blog that looks at citizenship of the African Union. To that end, I would like to introduce you to one here: http://african-union-citizen.blogspot.com.
If you are on Facebook, you can also join the "I am an African Union (AU) Citizen!": http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=70453161507&ref=ts.
Also join the AFRICAN UNION page on Facebook here: http://www.new.facebook.com/pages/Addis-Ababa-Ethiopia/African-Union-AU/54117436963?ref=ts. You don't have to be a member of Facebook to follow updates there.
On that page, you'll see that there are a number of questions I have posed about the AU, and making it REAL for Africans. These include:
1. Are people tired of hearing themselves being referred to as African? Have you tried calling yourself an "AU-frican"--as in a citizen of the AU countries?
2. What have you experienced today that made you proud of being an AU-frican?
3. Is an AU FBI conceivable? Can we have an African interpol, an ECOWAS/SADC/COMESA/IGAD?etc,...FBI??
4. where are the African diplomats on Facebook? If they're not Facebook shy, are their emails working ok? What is the AU position on technology on the continent?
5. Can AU countries ever have a position on international trade? Ever thought how juicy it would be to have 53 countries negotiating against even the almighty EU of 27 countries?
6. ECOBANK is originally a West African bank that is now Pan-African, being represented in Eastern and Southern Africa as well. Where are the other African banks?
7. What are the biggest African currencies on the continent? CFA? Naira? Rand? Shilling? The others?
8. For the average AU-frican, it's so costly to travel on the continent. Airlines are costly, and visas? Don't even mention them! Some AU countries don't even want to grant them to their compatriots? What's with that? What are some of the ideas to counter this?
I hope you will be able to pass the word round.
Thank you!
These and others are well answered by the active AU.
We have long answered lots.
I'll personally pend/wait for later on,after Mzee Muammar has enacted.
Hi Tukam! Thanks for your visit and your comment. SO I take it you believe in the AU? Glada to hear that whatever you might feel, you think it has potential!
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