(thx to AU-Citizens Yahoo list-serv:)
Addis Ababa Office
Announcement of Vacancy FES Liaison Officer to the African Union
Addis Ababa, 25th September, 2009
Established in 2002, the African Union is becoming an increasingly important actor for African and international politics. Especially security policy has developed into a core area of activity for this continental organization, but other policy areas – such as agricultural or social policy – are gaining influence as they are being discussed on a continental level.
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, committed to the global promotion of social democracy, sees the AU as a potential partner to further its mission. The FES Addis Ababa office, established in 1992, has been cooperating with the AU since 2007, in order to promote the democratic potential of the organization in certain policy areas according to the goals of social democracy. It seeks to support the creation of a peaceful, democratic and socially just Africa that can assume its legitimate global responsibility, but also seeks to critically analyze the development of the organization with the input of important democratic and societal actors, such as Parliamentarians, Trade Unionists, Political Party representatives, Civil Society activists, media practioners, and to feed back its analysis into its political framework in Germany and Europe.
The FES therefore seeks a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the African Union. The FES office Addis Ababa will be upgraded to become an AU-FES Liaison Office. The coordination of its work shall be the task of an AU Liaison Officer. According to the (draft) Africa Strategy of the FES Africa Department, the office should “assume the task of a liaison office and take over a service function for other offices, such as support these offices with information and contacts and by feeding issues into the national and regional work that are easily implementable on the respective levels”.
The FES-AU Liaison Officer should be an expert in African politics with an ability to sustain high-level contacts and to use the common FES instruments (trainings, workshops, conferences, publications) in order to achieve the defined overall objectives. He/she will report to the FES Resident Representative in Addis Ababa and work in a team with two other project managers.
In detail, he/she should:
· Hold an advanced degree (M.A. or equivalent) in social sciences such as political science, international relations, (African) history, international law or other relevant fields;
· Have significant knowledge of African politics, institutions, the development of the AU and the Regional Economic Communities, especially in, but not limited to, the field of security policy;
· Have at least 3-5 years work experience in continental politics, the AU, or related institutions such as research institutions with a focus on Africa, International Organizations etc.;
· Be fluent in English and French, preferably be proficient in (an)other African language/s;
· Be able and ready to gain knowledge in new policy areas (such as social policy/social security systems) within a short timeframe;
· Be committed to the principles of social democracy and the international labor movement, namely peaceful conflict resolution, international solidarity, social justice, individual and collective freedom and democracy;
· Be ready to undertake extensive travelling, mainly on the African continent;
· Be ready to work in a small team in a participatory manner in the FES Addis Ababa as well as to build up networks with similar institutions as well as FES offices worldwide.
Areas of Work
The AU Liaison Officer will be responsible for
· Implementing the MoU between the FES and the AU: supporting the AU in certain policy areas by engaging it in a political dialogue on issues to be defined in the MoU
· Organizing training and dialogue seminars and conferences in Addis Ababa and other African as well as European capitals
· preparing information material for interested stakeholders, building up a website on continental issues together with other FES offices in Africa
· analyzing the overall development and developments of certain policy areas of the AU and preparing regular publications (policy briefs) on issues of interest
· Sustaining dialogue with AU representatives, maintain a network of contacts with the AU, AU partner organizations and donors, but also with representatives of African labor unions and civil society, media on a continental level
The contract will be for one year on a renewable basis.
Salary is competitive and negotiable on the basis of qualifications and experience.
Local insurance for health and professional accidents will be concluded by FES Addis Ababa.
If you are interested in this position and fulfill the above criteria, please send a motivation letter and CV in French or English to:
fandrych@fes.org.et and florian.daehne@fes.de
until 30th October, 2009.
Suitable women candidates are encouraged to apply.
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Désiré Y. Assogbavi (Mr.)
Tel. + 251 (0) 11 661 16 01 (Desk)
+ 251 (0) 911 20 83 32 (Cell.)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia