Tuesday, December 9, 2014

E K Bensah Jr shared "AFRICA IN FOCUS 02-12-14.mp3" with you

From E K:

Research & Co-ordination: E.K.Bensah Jr
Executive Producer: E.K.Bensah Jr

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cnnq4hgslad74fk/AFRICA%20IN%20FOCUS%20%2002-12-14.mp3?dl=0

"Dear friends,

Kindly find the link to the podcast of #AfricainFocus show on Tuesday 2 December, 2014.

We spoke to Esi Cleland, former popular blogger-turned-entrepreneur, who has been co-managing Afro-Chic since 2009. She spoke to AIF about the genesis of AfroChic, and told us some of the challenges she encountered. Success has been slow, but steady and sure to the extent that after five years, AfroChic is ready to go higher places. Esi hinted us she may be reviving her very-popular blog, which at any time in 2009/2010 was attracting no less than an average of 100 comments for one post.

The second was Naa Oyo Quartey, who is an award-winning Lifestyle blogger and wedding photographer. We spoke to her about the passion she shares with Esi on why they both chose to use the internet to market their businesses at a time when selling online is not the most reliable way.

Both Esi and Naa revealed to us some of the ways in which they have been able to overcome the challenge of e-transactions.

Finally, in the different segments, we spoke to Ugonna, of the Right to Information Coalition, about a Media Encounter on 3 December about the Coalition's work. We also spoke to Health and Communication officer at West Africa Aids Foundation on what the Foundation was doing to celebrate World Aids Day, celebrated worldwide every year on 1 December.

We look forward to comments!
In solidarity!

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(E K shared these files using Dropbox. Enjoy!)
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Sunday, December 7, 2014

E.K. Bensah Jr shared a video with you!

E.K. shared a video with you!

“Dear friends,

To mark the 20th edition of the Africa in Focus show, we started post-show video interviews that seek to both promote the work of the guests we invite, and some of their ideas on the themes we cover for the show.

In this post-show clip, Kobby Blay, lead Volunteer at #EbolaWatch and who has been providing listeners of Africa in Focus Show with a radio version of EbolaWatch updates since August 2014, tells us what we need to look out for about Ebola, and what important steps to take to keep oneself safe.

Comments always appreciated!
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